Imre Augustich

Imre Augustich or Agostich (Slovene: Imre Augustič September 29 or September 30, 1837July 17, 1879) was Slovene writer, poet, journalist, reporter of Vas county in the National Assembly of Hungary. Author of the first newspaper in prekmurian language Prijátel (Friend).

Born in Murski Petrovci (Prekmurje, Tišina municipality). His father was petty noblemann, Lajos Augustich, economic officer of the Szapáry family his mother Julianna Zanaty born in Szombathely. Augustich study in Szombathely and Budapest, in first years was notary of the Batthyány family in Murska Sobota and Alsószölnök. With reporter and journalist in Budapest.

His first works Augustich wrote in hungarian language and support the magyarization in the Kingdom of Hungary. Lastly persisted throughout the next Hungarian Slovene people. In 1875 work to the Prijátel. Augustich translate few verses from Sándor Petőfi, János Arany, Pál Gyulai and others, at the same time renew to the prekmurian literary language and literature.

Dead in Tuberculosis in Budapest.



See also